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ewing empire

  1. Toni

    Ewing Empire: Season 1

    By people´s request (thank you dear @Karin Schill for your interest!) I´m going to re-post all my Ewing Empire episodes while I finish my last one. It reprises the Ewings´ story overseeing both TV movies and TNT "Dallas" too. The Character Guide can be read here...
  2. Toni

    Ewing Empire Season 6

    You can read the previous 27 episodes on my site Soaptime Fiction: https://sites.google.com/site/imperioewing/home/ewing-empire/fanfic-index So let´s get into action with the help of a few videos and recaps! This is a video I made for the 8th anniversary of my first episode of "Ewing Empire" 5...
  3. Toni

    The Last Years of Southfork

    So back to the beginning...I guess I´m lucky because 99% of what I have written, I reposted it on my fanfic site "Soaptime Fiction". My first Dallas fanfic was written in 1992 after watching the disastrous "Conundrum" episode. So it´s back to 1990 (I didn´t count the Dream Season year) and to...