• Support tellytalk.net with a contribution of any amount

    Dear Telly Talkers. Every so often we ask for your support in the monthly running costs of the forum. You don't have to contribute... it's totally your choice.

    The forums are advert-free, and we rely on donations to pay for the monthly hosting and backup costs. Your contribution could also go towards forum upgrades to maintain a robust experience and stop down time.

    Donations are not to make a profit, they are purely put towards the forum.

    Every contribution is really appreciated. These are done via the UltimateDallas PayPal account using the donation button.


  1. Ray&Donna

    Vow of Silence

    Another story from the old forum, one that was emailed to me, having miraculously been saved by a devoted reader :) I hope you enjoy it--it takes a different look at an encounter Ray and Donna might have had following their divorce ;) *** June 9, 1989 It was late spring, but the sun had...
  2. Ray&Donna

    The Last in Love

    A bit of background: this was my first-ever foray in DALLAS fanfiction, written all the way back in 2007 and posted here on the forum. I didn't back up my files or photos back then, so when my laptop, and the forum crashed, this story was lost to me forever--or so I thought. A kind, generous...