Telly Talk Supreme
Oh, I was just teasing you with the wink, wink of course! This story has always been a fascinating one. To me the official story was always rather questionable. I read Dan Moldea’s book awhile back thinking he was finally going to take us down the rabbit hole but ultimately his conclusions were very disappointing for me. The TEC story is also quite intriguing. Of course he always denied any involvement though, as his family still does after his death.Wink what?
It's well-known by anybody who knows the subject that 13 bullets sprayed the Ambassador kitchen, Sirhan's gun contained only 8 rounds, and he was 6 feet in front of RFK while RFK was shot three times from behind at close range.
The Los Angeles coroner, Thomas Noguchi, was fired and had his reputation destroyed because he refused to approve the "lone nut" findings demanded from the autopsy. (He sued and, amazingly, was reinstated).
Thane Eugene Cesar, a CIA-connected security guard hired only a week before, shot Bobby from behind.
Bottom line, I can’t say I know what happened for sure but I’ll never believe we were told everything, as with most Kennedy tragedies.