Dallas TNT IF I were the showrunner


Telly Talk Star
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Member Since
Jan 2012
Scene 1:

A group of new anchors sitting around a circle discussing JR Ewing.
"Hard to believe that after all these years JR Ewing is retiring from the oil business."
"He might be stepping down as Chairman and CEO of Ewing Industries, but I don't think anyone believes he's not in complete control. He still owns eighty-four percent."
"True. True. True. I think JR was at the pinnacle of his success when he took West Star public and brought Ewing Oil."
"I'd agree. Now it's time for the next generation. John Ross Ewing the third becomes Chairman of the board tomorrow."
"Yes, but his cousin Christopher becomes President and CEO. And, we all know the Ewing's don't like to share."
"You've all heard the rumor's that Christopher is the love child of JR and his sister-in-law Kristin Shepard, raised by his brother Bobby."
"Everyone's heard that big of gossip. But regardless, he made the right choice. Christopher has proven he's the capable of running the company. Wall Street respects him."
"Do you think this could mean that they're going be taking the company public?"
"I highly doubt that."
"What do you think the future holds for Ewing Industries?"
"Well the company's been diversifying so I'd expect it to continue. It's not just all Ewing Oil."

Scene 2:
Elevator doors open and a man walks off in Cowboy boots, camera focused on his boots and as he walks buy on his back, in a Stetson hat, appearing like JR Ewing (done in case LH was too ill to film the scene at that point). As the man walks through the office secretaries all great him with the utmost appreciation and refer to him as "JR" as he tips his hat, and responds, "Afternoon darlin'," and walks into one of the offices. In the office he holds out a set of keys and Christopher takes them. He says, "Now if you can get me those assets that termite Cliff Barnes stole from your momma and Aunt Katherine, I'll get you that significant piece of Ewing Industries you want so bad."
"Consider it done," Chris says taking the keys. "My daddy's flying in tomorrow morning from visiting Uncle Gary, so be prepared from some fireworks when he found out I put in a test well on South Fork. I certainly hope you've got mineral rights locked up."
"Ole JR's a man of his word."

Scene 3:
In the dark of night an oil rig is lit up at workers hurry to finish up drilling and a gusher of oil comes spraying up into the air.

Scene 4:
Opening Credits.
Jordana Brewster as Amy Anderson Ewing
Julie Gonzalo as Pamela Barnes Ewing
a young hunk of an actor, age 16, as John Ross "Jay" Ewing IV
Josh Henderson as John Ross Ewing III
Jesse Metcalf as Christopher Ewing
Charlene Tilton as Lucy Ewing
Patrick Duffy
Linda Gray
and Larry Hagman

Scene 5:
Sue Ellen fusses over John Ross's bow tie, as he's all dressed up, in the bright morning light oh his South Fork bedroom. "I can't get over how handsome you are."
"Thank you momma. I've got to admit, I'm a bit nervous."
"And why's that. You've been in love with that girl since you were a kid."
"I have not."
"Don't lie to your momma. I couldn't be happier. And it's about time Jay had a mother with you here at South Fork."
"He's called Pamela momma for about six years now. But Lucy's helped out a lot too."
"I gotta admit, I wasn't all that happy when you were eighteen and having a baby, but you were there for her and then you stepped up as a single father. Despite having to fight your daddy."
"And I've kept Pamela waiting far too long for this day."
"Far too long. Can I expect any more grandbabies anytime soon?"
"What you think we're finally getting married because Pamela's pregnant? No she's terrified to have a child, considering her family's history."
"That's understandable. Well I know Cliff is thrilled."
"Even if my father and Afton are furious."

Scene 6:
Pamela meets her father in the South Fork den. "Oh my god, you look amazing. I've never seen such a beautiful bride." Tears swell up in his eyes."
"Thank you daddy. It means a lot to me that you're happy."
"I wish Digger and Miss Ellie were here to see this. I really do."
"They're here daddy. They're here. I want to thank you."
"For what?"
"Buying us the house in the Bahamas."
"Well sweetheart, living here isn't gonna be easy. I want my little girl to have some place to get away to."
"It's extravagant. Not like you."
"Well, you bring out the best in me. So Amy Anderson's your maid of honor."
"Yes daddy. I know that you can Chris have your differences, but be nice to Amy."
"Of course. She's married to Chris. She needs all the sympathy she can get."
"Daddy. Besides you, Chris is all the family I have. Please."
"I'll try. It's a weird day when JR's son turns out to be the decent Ewing. Don't you worry about a thing. This is gonna be the best day of your life." Cliff kisses her cheek.

Scene 7: A sixteen year old Adonis walks Lucy down the aisle outside the house to her chair, front and center. She fusses over his tie. "You listen to me Jay, make your momma and daddy proud, hear."
"Yes Miss Lucy."
"And try not to call Cliff Grandpa around JR, no sense poking the bear."
"No there isn't."
"You got the ring?"
He pats his jacket pocket, "Right here."
"Good. Now go take your place."

The rest of the family and guest take to their seats. An usher walks Sue Ellen down the aisle. She sits between JR and Lucy. Bobby sits next to JR. JR whispers, "And how was Gary?"
"You don't really care do you?"
"Not really."
Another usher walks Afton down the aisle. She sits on the other side next to an empty chair on the end, with Christopher next to her.
Jay stands up front across from an older woman, more Pamela's age. He winks to her. She smiles. John Ross joins Jay looking down the aisle.
The music starts and Cliff walks Pamela down the isle.
Following a few brief bits of wedding ceremony, John Ross kisses his bride. Afton looks furious. JR doesn't look all to pleased. Sue Ellen and Cliff couldn't be more happy.

Around the back deck and driveway of South Fork, friends and family gather, a tent set up behind with tables and chairs and a dance floor. JR approaches John Ross with his hand held out. "I gotta say boy, congratulations. Takes a man to stand up to his father and follow his heart. Just do yourself a favor, be good to her, like I should have been to your momma. Marriage is all about trust, and if you trust her, well, that's good enough for me."
"Thank you daddy. That means a lot." The two hug.
Bobby steps up, "Now that's about time."
"You hear to steal more of my boy's time to talk cow manure or something like that, Bob?"
Bobby laughs, "John Ross is an excellent rancher. Daddy would be proud."
"Daddy would be proud he's taking over the business while I'm gone."
Lucy approaches, "He'd also be proud that John Ross, Christopher and I are living here with Uncle Bobby."
"No, that's more momma," JR corrects her.
Bobby says, "Daddy liked havin' everyone around too. I wish Gary and Val the kids were here today."
JR says, "Why didn't they come back from California with you?"
Lucy says, "Probably the same reason Aunt Pam lives in California. You."
"Not that ain't a nice thing to say, sweetheart. Ole JR has mellowed with age. Now when you gonna find husband number seven is it? We got Christopher hitched to Punch and Mavis's granddaughter and now John Ross is married. Shouldn't you be finding another young rich man to support you?"
"No. Turns out most men are just like you. Not worth the dust off my car."

Sue Ellen approaches Pamela and hugs her. "I couldn't be happier. You really are the most beautiful bridge."
Cliff walks up. "Yes you gave Sue Ellen a run for her money sweetheart, cause up until today, she was always the prettiest woman in Texas."
"Oh Cliff, stop it. Your father is just silly. Lucy tells me when you get back from your honeymoon you're going to join the Daughters of the Alamo with us."
"I guess. She's kind of dragging me into it. I told her I don't really have much time."
"Yes I heard. JR and Cliff both retiring in the same week. I think everyone in Dallas can breath a bit easier now."
With his arm wrapped around Pamela Cliff says, "Who'd have thought, two Barnes running everything, Christopher running Ewing Industries, Pamela running the Barnes Group. If Digger could only see how it all turned out."
Sue Ellen says, "Don't forget, both those Barnes's are also Ewings."
"Why would you try and ruin such a lovely day with such an awful thought?"
Sue Ellen laughs.

Bobby marches over to Christopher. "What's this I just heard, there's an oil rig on South Fork!"
"Yes, well, listen before you get up set."
"Tear it down!"
"No you see . . ."
"No I don't want to see. Tear it down."
"I can't. Uncle JR has a court order. Apparently Grand gave you the house and the cattle business, but not the land."
"You know damn well she gave the land to the Foundation and South Fork Cattle gets to lease it for a dollar a year."
"Yes, but her will said nothing about the mineral rights."
"The mineral rights. They're separate. She bought Uncle Gary West Fork and gave it to him. Then she used all her investments to set up the Foundation. So her will left everything that was left to Uncle JR. Like her jewelry and such that he gave to Aunt Sue Ellen."
"I know all that, but not the mineral rights!"
"As they were never actually given to the foundation when she left everything to Uncle JR, well that included the mineral rights. He didn't leave me any choice."
"JR! Where the hell is JR."

John Ross steps up to Christopher as Bobby goes to look for JR. "Is it true. You drilled on South Fork?"
"Ewing Oil drilled on South Fork."
"Ewing Industries owns Ewing Oil and you run Ewing Industries so you drilled on South Fork!"
"Your father worked that lease out before he left. There isn't anything I can do. Ewing Oil has to pay the lease, so the company has to drill. What was I suppose to do?"
John Ross shoves Christopher into the pool. Everyone turns around to watch him come up, treading water.
Christopher says, "Now come on John Ross. You can't blame me for this!"

Out back a helicopter takes off from the South Fork grounds and Bobby looks up at it yelling, "Get back here JR! JR!"

Lucy says to Pamela, "Now you know why Ewing's get married at South Fork."
"To keep our fights like this private."


Telly Talk Star
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Member Since
Jan 2012
The sun hasn't really come up over South Fork yet, but there's an earie morning glow. The study is full with John Ross, Bobby, Christopher, Lucy and a couple of others. John Ross looks at one of the others and says, "So what have you found?"
"I've found that we're pretty locked in to it. I can try and fight the trust on Bobby and Gary's behalf, but I don't think we'll win. Her will was clear, everything goes to JR. Now on it's face that didn't seem like much, certainly not compared to what she gave to Gary and Bobby and to set up the Ewing Farlow Foundation, so he can make the case that the oil was his true inheritance."
"OK so lets bring in the IRS. He didn't pay estate taxes on the true value of his inheritance then."
"That wouldn't help us stop him. In fact it would improve his case, he has to drill to pay those taxes. But as Miss Ellie died in 2010, there are no estate taxes."
John Ross says, "Of course the rumor behind that is my father lobbied Washington hard for the year without estate taxes."
Bobby says, "What I want to know right now is, where is my brother?"
The other person in the room says, "We're trying but he could be anywhere. His ship is out in Caribbean, but I don't even know if he's on it."
John Ross snaps, "I don't give a damn about that. I want some legal way to stop this. The land belongs to the Foundation. Don't they have any rights to prevent drilling?"
"Some," the first person says, "But JR also has the right to get to his oil. And he's given Ewing Oil a twenty year lease, of which they paid him five years in advance. Money they had to borrow, so they can't just stop because you want them to stop. You'd bankrupt Ewing Oil, and the board of Ewing Industries isn't going to allow that, even if you're willing to go that far."
Lucy speaks up, "I've been contacted by JR's lawyers. He's giving the oil trust to the foundation."
Bobby blurts out, "You've got to be kidding me."
"No. I mean we don't get any thing for five years, but after that, well, we can do a lot of good with that money. I honestly don't want to fight this."
Bobby snaps, "We're not drilling on South Fork!"
Lucy says, "He does have a stipulation. He wants the name changed to the Ewing Foundation and John Ross put on the board."
"Can you do that?" John Ross asks.
Lucy answers, "Actually we can. And considering the money we're talking about, I don't see how I can say no."
Bobby says, "Most of that money is Clayton Farlow's."
Lucy says, "Actually with this donation most of the money will be from the Southworth's."
John Ross says, "Regardless, we have to deal with this. How many wells can they put up?"
Christopher says, "I can answer that. Pretty much no limit on it. What ever it takes to get at the oil and then either roads for trucks or pipelines."
Bobby says, "How much did you know about this?"
"I was running Ewing Alternative. I didn't know anything about it until you did. But I agree with Lucy. We can't just leave that oil down there. Uncle JR has it set up so the foundation will be flooded with money."
Bobby says, "In five years!"
Lucy says, "Yes, but five years is nothing. I can wait five years. We're talking billions of dollars."
John Ross says, "Tell me how we can get control of this. If, and I mean if, we've got to put up with this, how can we keep it from doing too much damage."
Lucy says, "The Foundation can fight Ewing Oil in court to make sure the land is protected."
Christopher says, "Or we can manage Ewing Oil. It's our company. In fact the presidency is open right now. John Ross, you could take the job. Chairman of Ewing Industries and President of Ewing Oil. That way you can make sure that the debt is covered and the land is protect."
Bobby says, "There's no compromise here. There's no drilling on South Fork!"
"What about the old McKay Ranch?" John Ross asks. "We bought it with Ewing Oil. They got the mineral rights and the South Fork Cattle Company got the business."
Lucy says, "And the foundation has the land."
Bobby says, "What do you mean, like slant drill from the McKay property?"
"Sure. Why not. Would that work for you? We stay off South Fork itself, and I over see things to make sure Ewing Oil doesn't mess up any of the land more than absolutely necessary."
Bobby says, "I guess I could live with that."

The meeting breaks up, walking out of the house, the two others walk to their cars and Bobby and John Ross walk toward the barns. Lucy walks to breakfast near the pool.

Christopher walks into the Entry to see Pamela walking down stairs. She asks, "Did you sort everything out?"
"Actually I think we did. John Ross is going to be President of Ewing Oil to oversee the drilling and they're going to slant drill from next door."
"John Ross is going to run Ewing Oil? Well I guess JR got what he wanted after all."
"He also got Lucy to change the name of the foundation, dropping Farlow"
"How'd he do that?"
"Donated the oil proceeds to the foundation."
"I can't believe that JR Ewing was generous."
"Well, he walks away with a huge cash payout. Listen Pamela, I want to talk to you about something, now that you're running the Barnes Group, without your father over your shoulder."
"What about it?"
"I control my mother's trust, one third of the Group. And you?"
"I control my father's trust."
"OK. And Aunt Katherine. I talked to her. She likes my idea. It's a bit pay out for all of us. Now that I'm running Ewing Industries, I want the company to buy the Barnes Group. You stay on, run what ever piece you want, Wentworth Tool and Die, Barnes Global Media."
"Katherine agreed to this?"
"Well she's not very found of the Ewing's, but less found of your father and it's a huge payout. Money we can diversify."
"I suppose that makes sense. It's not like Ewing Industries doesn't stay with my family, with John Ross and Jay."
"Right. And, I'm not interested in it. Doesn't sound like Aunt Katherine is either. But the money, that she'd like in her hands."
"Alright. I'll think about it. Send me the proposal. You do realize my father will be furious."
"Is that such a bad thing."
"No not really. I'm not interested in his petty feud with JR. But I am interested in making the most of my son's inheritance. I'd want a board seat with Ewing Industries."
"Of course."
"Yes, I'll think about it."

Out by the pool Jay walks up out of the water, soaking we, his fit body and speedo, wrapping himself with a towel and sitting down with Lucy to breakfast. "Did you all sort out the mess with drilling on South Fork?"
"We did. But somehow I get the impression your grandfather just played us all."
"How do you mean?"
"Well I told you about the donation and the name change, dropping Farlow."
"Your father is taking over running Ewing Oil so that he can control how the drilling is managed."
"So Uncle Bobby is OK with drilling on South Fork."
"Well actually, they're going to drill from next door. Ray's old property."
"OK. That works. Uncle Bobby's good with that?"
"Good as he can be, I guess. Thing is JR got a boat load of cash, and he gets rid of the Farlow name, and gets John Ross running Ewing Oil. A lot of wins for him. The only thing missing is this house."
"But the house belongs to Uncle Bobby."
"I told you I found out JR's lawyers set up trust funds for his sons with Venessa Beaumont and Calle Harper."
"Right. I've never meet them, but yea. You figured that JR was getting things in order and that the bulk of everything would got to my father."
"Right. JR has always promised John Ross that the company and this house would belong to him. I can't believe he's just gone off and retired without handing John Ross South Fork."
"How would he get Uncle Bobby to sell?"
"Well to be honest the ranch is in pretty deep debt. Uncle Bobby has the money to keep the place a float, but. Ewing Industries also has been buying up several cattle properties throughout Texas. Many of them very profitable. And the house, I don't know what JR has in mind to get his hands on it. But don't think for one minute that he's forgotten about it. He's got the oil, the land with John Ross on the foundation. How he needs the cattle business and the house."
"And you think he's gonna make a play for it?"
"I know he is."


Telly Talk Star
Reaction score
Member Since
Jan 2012
Six Months Later . . .

Bobby sits down with John Ross in the study of South Fork. "I need to talk to you."
"What is it?"
"I don't want to do this anymore. It's costing me a fortune to keep the ranch and for what? Pam won't come back to Texas, and if I want to be with her, I can't keep up this back and forth. I'll be honest with you. I don't want to be here anymore."
"You're leaving?"
"Pam has agreed to live with California. I'm going to invest in West Fork with Gary."
"You are?"
"I'd give you the ranch but honestly it's a money pit. I'm going to give the house to you and Lucy. I hope you don't mind sharing it with her, but . . ."
"No of course not. I think that's a great idea. This house means more to her than anyone. And Pamela's not interested in it. I like the idea of sharing it with her. Besides we all know that Jay's like a son to her, maybe more a grandson."
"Maybe. So, if you want the ranch . . ."
"Of course I do. In fact I can make it profitable, if you don't mine. Ewing Industries owns about eight hundred thousand acres. I'd like to see it South Fork's operations and rename the whole thing as the South Fork Cattle Company. That way South Fork can be profitable again."
"It's probably a good idea."
"You won't stay away for good, will you?"
"No. I'll be around. Speaking of being around? Have you heard from your father?"
"Not a word. I can tell you he'll be thrilled with what you're doing. Well maybe not giving half the house to Lucy but . . ."
"Well I'm setting it up so that after you and Lucy it'll go to Jay, so that should thrill him to no end. The company, the ranch, the house. I guess JR got it all."
"No he didn't. You going to California, with Uncle Gary and Aunt Pam, you've got it all. My father's alone somewhere."
"How's your mother doing?"
"Well, she's back to living mostly in New York, so like you she's around from time to time."
"That's good. You know, in his own way, JR loves her, very much. And he loves you too. I'm kind of glad to put all of this behind me."
John Ross hugs Bobby.

In the high rise offices of Ewing Industries Christopher shakes Pamela's hand after signing some papers. "Welcome to Ewing Industries. I think as President of Wentworth Tool and Die, you'll certainly leave your mark."
"Thank you Christopher. You made this pretty painless. And, I think it's for the best."
"I think so too. Nothing to fight over, no fuss, just family getting along."
"That's right. You're really the only family I have left. I almost never see my mother, now that he's retired, I don't see my father. Uncle Mitch I have seen in years and well your mom. . ."
"You probably see her as often as I do."
"Yes, but it's not that she doesn't love you. You know that she's mentally ill. Your father has done everything he can to talk care of her. She's not gone because she wants to be. You know that, right?"
"I suppose so. My father's leaving too. To go live with her in California. He's talking this morning to John Ross about the ranch and the house. He's leaving the house to him and Lucy."
"Oh really. That's good. Right?"
"Well I'm not moving out, so it doesn't matter to me who owns the house. There is something I need to share with you before the news hits the rest of the family."
"Is it bad?"
"I don't think so. I've worked hard for my share."
"Your share?"
"JR is putting his shares in two trust. Forty-two percent to John Ross and forty-two percent to me."
"JR is giving you forty-two percent of Ewing Industries?"
"Yes. I think I've earned it. I've run this company for the last ten years and I've done a pretty good job."
"Wait, that leaves sixteen percent."
"Sixteen percent has been owned by Marshall Haddad since JR begin putting the company together."
"The Lebanese billionaire?"
"Well he's a Mexican citizen, but yes. He helped JR fund everything, including taking West Star public."
"And you knew this? Did John Ross?"
"I don't know what he knows about JR's business. We don't talk much about it. He's not really interested is he?"
"You should have told me this before our deal."
"Why? What would it change? We all got very large checks."
"My son will only get forty-two percent of what I thought would be the entire company."
"Forty-two percent of one of the country's biggest privately held companies. A company I thoroughly intend on make even bigger."
"It's what ever. I just don't want this to cause a fight within the family."
"You think John Ross is going to be up set that I walk away with a piece of the company after all the work I've done."
"I don't understand why JR would give you anything, I mean knowing him."
"It was our deal. I wasn't working to make him rich all these years. I expected my cut. Now, I've got it. I'm not going to feel bad about it. Everything original started with Jock Ewing and Digger Barnes and those are my grandfathers."
"I suppose. And no, John Ross isn't going to fight over a share of the business. He'll probably be glad you're partners."
"Well, I just thought you should know, so you weren't blind sided."
"When do you plan on brining this up?"
"JR's lawyers should be meeting with John Ross today, then I'll see them afterwards, so I'd say by dinner this evening we should know his reaction."

Lucy stands out on a deck overlooking the Mexican Rivera when a very handsome man about her age with Middle Eastern and Hispanic features walks out the back of a grand house. "As beautiful as the first day I've seen you."
"Ali!" Lucy turns around and hugs him.
"What brings you to Mexico? I'd love to think it was to see me."
"You know I love seeing you, but I'm afraid it's business."
"I just got word that JR is finally diving up his share of Ewing Industries."
"And you've come to see me about my father's share."
"A share you control in trust."
"How does little Lucy Ewing no so much about everything?"
"Well, there's one lesson I learned from JR, make everything your business. JR's giving half his shares to Christopher."
"And half to John Ross. He also has done well by his other children."
"Not nearly as well."
"Five hundred million isn't bad from a man who has barely been part of your life."
"I know when we got married, I expected JR to be pleased, but I didn't know how pleased until I found out he'd been working with your father for decades."
"Explain to my again why we couldn't make it work?"
"I live in Texas and you live in Mexico and neither one of us was willing to move."
"That's right. You know it's a great honor to be one of Lucy Ewing's husbands. We're a small, exclusive club."
"Either you know or your father knows. Why?"
"Why what?"
"What did my Uncle JR give anything to Christopher, much less half of Ewing Industries."
"Do you really want to know?"
"Do I look like I'm hear to play games?"
"Farraday tied to play a fast one on the Ewing's, claiming he was Christopher's father and selling him to Bobby."
"Farraday wasn't his father?"
"No. Your Uncle JR is. When he was older he had a pretty conclusive DNA test to prove once and for all. Christopher is his son."
"Do you think Bobby knows?"
"I don't think JR would have told him. Kind of sad isn't it? Bobby didn't have any children. Your father had three by the same woman and JR has four boys by four different women. And Bobby."
"Does Christopher know?"
"I doubt it. It'd be a pretty big secret for him to keep. He's always been a bit touchy about not being a blood Ewing."
"But you're saying he is."
"Right. So, if he knew he was, I don't see him keeping the secret. What are you going to do with the secret?"
"I'm going to find my uncle and confront him with it. Since he's put you right in the middle, I'm going to bet you know where to find him."
Ali shrugs his shoulders.