In the Spotlight with.. DallasFanForever


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Up in the spotlight, this week is

Telly Talk Member 13221

DallasFanForever joined the forums in September 2020 and is possibly our newest member to take the spotlight.

DFF may be somewhat of a newbie, however, he’s very much made his mark on the forums with an impressive post count of over 3000 in less than eight months. Let’s hope he keeps this up.

What else do we know about DallasFanForever and what don’t we know?

Please take this week to ask as many questions as possible you have for DFF including any follow-up questions that might arise during the week.

Enjoy your week in the spotlight.

I will start with one question that intrigues me with everyone.

DFF, if you were to take part in Mastermind (a quiz show) what would be your specialist subject. In other words, what subject would you excel in the most?


Telly Talk Supreme
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Bethpage, NY
Thank you @Ome for the nice introduction!! I do appreciate it!! Taking the spotlight for a week was something I wrestled with quite honestly for I do consider myself a very shy person. People in my personal life would tell you that the spotlight is something I usually don’t seek, but though I haven’t been here very long I do like it here enough and feel comfortable enough to do this.

To answer ur question, if I were to take part in Mastermind my category would be sports, specifically baseball. I am an admitted baseball junkie; so much so that in 1982 at the age of 7, along with my cousin I turned our front lawn in Upstate, New York into a baseball field. It started as just a thought but the next thing I know we’re putting down the bases and making a pitcher’s mound and putting up signs with the dimensions all over the place. So before Kevin Costner was hearing voices to plow his corn field and build a stadium in Field of Dreams, we were actually doing it seven years earlier.

But what I learned at that early age was there’s a big difference between Upstate, New York and Hollywood. The voices told Kevin Costner “If you build it, he will come.” Well, we built it and no one came. No one at all, not a soul. So like two idiots my cousin and I were outside on my front lawn playing baseball by ourselves. And when he went back to Florida when the summer was over I stayed out there well into the fall playing baseball by myself like a bigger idiot. So that’s where my passion for the game comes from.

Long Lashes

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January 2015
Favourite Movie

I must say, I prefer your version of FIELDS OF DREAMS far more than the Kevin Costner version.

* I know very little about baseball, although it looks a fun sport. Do you have a favourite team?

* I think I might already know the answer to this question, but I will ask it anyway. What is your all time favourite TV show?

* Do you have a favourite film/movie?

and finally (for now Lol!) how long did you lurk before joining Telly talk? and what took you so long to join? :D

Have a great week!


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I really like your positive contributions to this forum. I enjoy reading your comments and the way you appreciate other comments.

When/how did you get to like Dallas so much?
It'd be also interesting to know what you do in your time off, what hobbies you have?


Telly Talk Supreme
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Bethpage, NY
I take your nick name as a starting point: Who would you rather invite to a dinner?

Holly Harwood or Mandy Winger?
Alan Beam or Casey Denault?
Lady Jessica Montford or Patricia Shepard?
James Richard Beaumont or Peter Richards?
Kimberly Cryder or Cally Harper?
Wow!! You get right to the tough questions, I gotta say.

Mandy over Holly. I wasn’t really a fan of either character but I found Mandy very attractive. She had beautiful eyes.

Alan over Casey. Alan was a great schemer but Casey I didn’t find exciting at all.

Patricia over Jessica cause even though I’d fear them both at least Patricia wouldn’t try to kill me.

@Michelle Stevens is gonna get mad at me for this one but Peter over James. I didn’t like the Peter-Sue Ellen storyline very much but I do love the last scene when he gets dragged out screaming and kicking. That scene was vintage J.R. and I can’t remember a James scene that stands out. I don’t blame the actor but more the writing at that point.

Cally over Kimberly. That one is not even close for me. I didn’t like the Haleyville storyline but Cally did win me over once she got to Dallas. And she was a country girl and I’m from the country so I think we’d hit it off.


Telly Talk Mega Star
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@DallasFanForever, something I'd like to know-- how much have you seen of the O-R CBS Lorimar series that is the basis of your username (that or the all-too-short 2012-14 TNT series)?


Telly Talk Supreme
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Bethpage, NY

I must say, I prefer your version of FIELDS OF DREAMS far more than the Kevin Costner version.

* I know very little about baseball, although it looks a fun sport. Do you have a favourite team?

* I think I might already know the answer to this question, but I will ask it anyway. What is your all time favourite TV show?

* Do you have a favourite film/movie?

and finally (for now Lol!) how long did you lurk before joining Telly talk? and what took you so long to join? :D

Have a great week!
Hi ‘Lashes!
And thank you for liking my version of Field of Dreams better!!

My favorite team would be the Yankees. Born and raised a Yankee fan. And even though I live in Florida now I’ll never adopt anyone else.

Believe it or not, Dallas is not my all time favorite show. Favorite soap? Yes, undoubtedly, but my favorite show would be The Incredible Hulk. Most people I know laugh at that show now but when I was a kid it was a huge deal. This story probably should not be told and I’m waffling on telling it right now, but okay, I’ll tell it. When I was a kid I would mimick the Hulk a lot, and maybe too much cause I would try to take my clothes off trying to be the Hulk when he turned green. My mother had to stop me several times from not causing a scene. Nowadays I’d probably be arrested but back then a stupid 6 year old could get away with that kind of stuff.

I can’t believe I just shared that but anyway I also was a huge fan of Dukes of Hazzard, Highway to Heaven, Little House on the Prairie, Dynasty, Young and the Restless, Bold and the Beautiful, and Guiding Light.

My favorite movie? This is tough. Shawshank Redemption, Top Gun, Moonstruck, Field of Dreams (despite them stealing my script), JFK all top my list but #1 without a doubt is Forrest Gump.

I lurked for many years before joining here, I’m ashamed to say. I remember reading Dallas threads as far back as maybe 15 years ago. What took me so long to join? I’m really not sure other than my severe shyness. And then one day last year I was going through a real tough stretch in my life and I finally said I’m doing it. And I’m glad I did.


Telly Talk Supreme
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Bethpage, NY
Hi, because you mentioned it on mine and now I’m curious, what is your ranking on the 9 Star Wars films. Also who is your favorite character in the series.
Hi TLSE!! I really enjoyed reading ur week in the spotlight by the way!!

My Star Wars list 1-9? Okay, but keep in mind most people I know don’t agree with me on this....................

2. Empire
3. Last Jedi
4. Rise of Skywalker
5. New Hope
6. Force Awakens
9. Phantom Menace

Let me know at what point on the list you start yelling at me.

My favorite Star Wars character would be Han Solo. I love his sarcasm and quick wit.

Karin Schill

Sorry for laughing at you wanting to be the Incredible hulk. It just sounded funny. I am not sure it was intended that way!

Anyway I hope you will enjoy your week in the spotlight @DallasFanForever :cool:

I am wondering, who is your favorite character on Little House on the Prairie?

Have you ever watched Knots Landing?

What do you work with?

I think that's all for now. :)


Telly Talk Supreme
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Bethpage, NY
I really like your positive contributions to this forum. I enjoy reading your comments and the way you appreciate other comments.

When/how did you get to like Dallas so much?
It'd be also interesting to know what you do in your time off, what hobbies you have?
Thank you so much for saying that! I’m glad you enjoy reading my posts. Sometimes they’re typed after a long day of work when I’m half asleep so I appreciate what you said.

So how did I find Dallas? Well, my grandparents were huge fans of the show and I lived with them because my mom was very sick when I was little. She was there too but very limited as to what she could do with me cause she needed a lot of care. So my grandparents were my foster parents in a way. They loved Dallas and one night in late 1983 I sat down and started watching with them. And I was hooked. Bobby and Pam were already divorced and seeing Jenna and Mark, Peter was chasing Sue Ellen and I just fell in love with the show at 8 years old. Things were slow on the ball field out on the front lawn so I had some time.

But I think what took me from fan to Superfan was Swan Song about a year and a half later. My mother wasn’t the biggest Dallas fan. She watched but not religiously. But that night she sat on the couch with me and watched Swan Song with me and she didn’t move. She even cried a couple of times. And that was a very special night for me because like I said she was very sick, and her parents were always around to help take care of her and raise me. But that night they went to a party and I was left alone with my mom, which was a rarity for us. It’s one of the few times we were alone when I was growing up and it felt very special. I didn’t see her as sick. I saw her as my mother and she’s spending time with me despite feeling like crap all the time. So that night was what made me a Dallas fan forever. It wasn’t just the show. It was the fact that my mom was alone with me with no one else around for once.

I don’t really have a lot of time off, other than Sunday. I work for FedEx so they keep me busy. 23 years there and I’m still waiting for a slow day.

My hobbies would be mostly sports, watching them and playing them as often as I can. I still play baseball but now on someone else’s field. Before the pandemic I would go to the movies a lot. I mean a lot!! I practically lived there. I love Netflix and on demand but to me there’s still something special about a big premiere on a Friday night. There’s nothing like it.


Telly Talk Supreme
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Bethpage, NY
It's great having you here @DallasFanForever . :cool:

1. Any new avatars in the works?
2. April or Michelle? ;)
3. Have you been to Southfork Ranch?
4. Have you met anyone famous?
5. Since your TT number is 13221, would you consider playing that number in a lottery, Pick 5?
It's great having you here @DallasFanForever . :cool:

1. Any new avatars in the works?
2. April or Michelle? ;)
3. Have you been to Southfork Ranch?
4. Have you met anyone famous?
5. Since your TT number is 13221, would you consider playing that number in a lottery, Pick 5?
Hi Michelle!!
I’m working on some new avatars. I’ve been a little lazy lately in that department.

Definitely Michelle over April, and not just to make you happy. I was a big Michelle fan actually. Those later years weren’t great but I thought Michelle was absolutely stunning!! I know that character gets a lot of criticism and I understand why she does but she gave the show some desperately needed life in those dark years.

No I’ve never been to Southfork but I’d sure love to one day. Actually, I’ve never even been to Texas. That’s pretty sad considering my username.

I’ve met three famous people in my life.
I met Mike Tyson when I was a kid because we lived in the same town in Upstate, New York. He was actually friends with my grandfather and ate at my house once. This was before he was champion, I wanna say early 1985 maybe? I’ve also met Dan Marino, the hall of fame quarterback. He’s everywhere in South Florida so I actually met him three times. And I met Vince McMahon once in 2005. I delivered to his condo in Boca Raton, which is the same city I also live. He’s the famous wrestling promoter. And I also met his son Shane.

I never thought about playing my member number in the lottery cause I’m just not lucky with that kind of stuff. Never was.


Telly Talk Supreme
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Bethpage, NY
@DallasFanForever, something I'd like to know-- how much have you seen of the O-R CBS Lorimar series that is the basis of your username (that or the all-too-short 2012-14 TNT series)?
I’ve watched the entire series multiple times, but it gets tougher when I get past Pam’s accident. I just start to lose interest.

I did watch the entire first season of TNT Dallas but stopped sometime in season two. I would come back and check in from time to time but I just couldn’t get into it.


Telly Talk Mega Star
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I’ve watched the entire series multiple times, but it gets tougher when I get past Pam’s accident. I just start to lose interest.

I guess any Dallas fan would-- if I had it to do again (I had Dallas on DVD before, in the original double-sided releases), I'd just get those first 10 gos (up to that fateful tanker crash), and then end it out (those last 4 gos wouldn't even see the light of day in my collection).


Telly Talk Supreme
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Bethpage, NY
Sorry for laughing at you wanting to be the Incredible hulk. It just sounded funny. I am not sure it was intended that way!

Anyway I hope you will enjoy your week in the spotlight @DallasFanForever :cool:

I am wondering, who is your favorite character on Little House on the Prairie?

Have you ever watched Knots Landing?

What do you work with?

I think that's all for now. :)
Hi Karin!
It’s okay to laugh at my Hulk story. It’s all true but it’s also meant to be humorous. That story has become legendary in my family. I always deny it but you guys are getting the truth here.

My favorite LHOTP character would be Charles. I liked his high morals and sense of humor. I liked how he put the family on his back and carried them through the tough times. To me he is the definition of what a good man should be. Mrs. Olsen was a close second for me cause she was such a show stealer but to me Charles is the central character. He drove the show. I can’t watch A New Beginning cause he’s not in it.

I wasn’t a big fan of Knots growing up. For some reason it was never watched in my house. Only in recent years have I caught some of the show and I can see why everyone loves it. I kinda wish I appreciated it more when it was on.

Oh and as I said earlier before I realized you asked LOL I work with FedEx for the past 23 years.


Telly Talk Supreme
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Bethpage, NY
I guess any Dallas fan would-- if I had it to do again (I had Dallas on DVD before, in the original double-sided releases), I'd just get those first 10 gos (up to that fateful tanker crash), and then end it out (those last 4 gos wouldn't even see the light of day in my collection).
It’s funny cause when the show aired originally I kept watching til the end. I figured it had to get better, even though it was getting progressively worse by the season. In retrospect I do wish they ended it sooner. But there’s another part of me that says well, I have to live up to my username. And that means taking the good with the bad I guess. And as bad as it got in those later seasons, it’s still Dallas to me. So I guess I’m kind of torn on this sometimes.