
Telly Talk Member
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Boulder, Colorado, USA
author's note: a follow-up on two 'Dallas' characters whose storyline many felt was cut short.

Setting: Fall, 1990, Community Center, Knots Landing, California

Frank Williams sat and listened as, one by one, each of the room's occupants came to the front and told their story. It brought him some measure of comfort to know that he wasn't alone; others were going through the same thing as him. The lives of every one of these people had, in one way or another, been changed forever by the actions of a drunk driver. Telling his own story hadn't been easy, but he'd made it a point to say the name of the man who'd taken his wife from him loud and clear so everyone all the way to the back would hear: Danny Waleska.
After a while, a man who Frank judged to be about thirty years old got up to speak. He had wavy brown hair and grey eyes. Because the man was on crutches, he didn't try to go the front of the room. He just spoke where he stood."Hi," he said. "My name is Mickey Trotter." He had a very subtle, but distinct, twang in his voice. "About seven and a half years ago I was living in Texas, and was paralyzed when I tried to stop a lady who'd had too much to drink from driving. I jumped into the passenger seat and tried to pull the keys outta the ignition, but she kept pushing me away. ” He paused a moment to take a breath. Reliving this clearly wasn’t easy for him. “And then this other car hit us...we were flipping over and over… I don't remember any more until I woke up at Dallas Memorial Hospital. I couldn't feel anything below my neck. The docs told me I'd be a quadriplegic for the rest of my life. That was the most depressed I’ve ever been. I broke up with my girlfriend, even though she'd come every day to see me. She was angry and hurt, but I just couldn't stand the thought of her being tied down to me. It's all kind of a blur after that. I woke up at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, musta been weeks later. I couldn’t even talk. I had to learn everything all over again. The doctors and nurses were good to me. I could tell they really cared. I finally told myself I was gonna beat this thing, and now here I am. I still got a ways to go. But hey, the docs never thought I'd get this far. My ma just moved out here to LA, and I came with her."
"Thank you for telling us, Mickey" said the lady who ran the group. "Would you like to tell us the name of the driver?"
Mickey hesitated. "Sue Ellen Ewing," he said slowly, obviously not comfortable sharing that information.
The name Ewing caught Frank's attention.
"But the accident wasn’t Mrs. Ewing’s fault," Mickey continued. "The way I heard it, another fella rammed into us on purpose, thinkin' her husband was driving. Seems this guy had been double-crossed by Mr. Ewing in soe business deal. But Mr. Ewing did helped pay for my treatment at the Mayo Clinic. He even came to see me once. He was real good to me and my ma, but she didn't trust him. She said he was just trying to avoid a lawsuit.”
Mickey had the attention of everyone in the room. This was not your typicle DUI story.

As the meeting was breaking up, Frank stopped Mickey at the door.
"It was nice meeting you Mickey," he said. Obviously Mickey couldn't shake hands, so Frank kinda slapped him on the shoulder.
"Uh..yeah, same here. Frank, right?" replied Mickey.
"I'm sorry about your wife," said Mickey.
"Thank you," said Frank with effort, looking down at the floor and fighting the tears welling up inside. "Say
Mickey," he tried to say in a lighter tone, though his voice was still shaky, "this lady who was driving the night you were injured... you say her name last name was Ewing?"
"Yeah," Mickey answered slowly. “Sue Ellen Ewing.”
"Do you know if she's any relation to Gary and Valene Ewing? They're good friends of mine, and I think they moved here from Texas."
When Mickey heard those two names a change came over his face, as if old memories had been stirred up. "Yeah," he answered. "I think Mrs. Ewing was Gary's sister-in-law." He suddenly looked alarmed. "You won't tell them you saw me here, will you?"
"Hey listen man," Frank assured him, "whatever you say in here stays in here. But if you ever need anyone to talk to, I'm glad to listen." The truth was, Frank needed a friend to talk to as well, but he was also curious exactly what connection this Mickey Trotter guy had to Gary and Valene Ewing…
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Karin Schill

Welcome to our board and thank you for sharing your story with us. :)
I don't think I've read any fanfics about Lucy & Mickey before so it's going to be interesting to see where you take this. :)

Also I guess we can all assume that this is an AU story considering the fact that Mickey sadly died on the show. :(


Telly Talk Member
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Boulder, Colorado, USA
Yeah, I guess I'd say this is AU. I don't really like characters being brought back from the dead. Actually I may have to rethink the premise; I can't think of any believable way they could've broken Lucy & Mickey up if he'd survived the car crash. Maybe he could've been written of some other way.

Chapter 2

Mickey parked in the handicapped space in front of Northside Hospital. His pickup was specially equipped with hand-operated brakes and gas pedal.
Being wheelchair bound for several years had changed his outlook on life. He would never forget those grueling exercises they made him perform at the Mayo Clinic, day after day, hour after hour. There was one small consolation – the nurse whose job it was to massage his muscles after every workout. had been rather pretty.
Mickey remembered his sense of accomplishment the day when he was finally able to move one toe. After that, he swore he was going to live up to his full potential, no matter how challenging it might be.
He got out of his truck, and was reaching for his crutches in the back of his pickup, when he slipped and fell. Momentarily, an attractive young lady with long dark hair came walking by.
“Pardon me, ma’am,” he said, “but I was trying to get my crutches outta the back of this pickup and had a little accident. Think you could give me a hand?"
The young lady looked hesitant, but then she saw the handicapped decal on Mickey's truck.
"Uh...sure," she said, Slowly, she helped Mickey up.
"Thank you, ma'am," he said.
Mickey sensed the lady's discomfort. "It's all right," he said. "You don't have to be afraid." Just then he had a memory flash - he was saying the exact same thing another girl; they were sitting in the front of a car, and he had a black eye.
"No," he heard the young lady say now, bringing his mind back to the present. "it's just you can never be too cautious."
"I understand," he said. “I'm Mickey, by the way. Mickey Trotter."
"Kate," she answered, glancing at her watch. "Kate Whitaker."

Forty-five minutes later, Mickey and Kate were seated in the hospital cafe.
"So, how’s your uncle doin’?" asked Mickey
"Not, good," she replied. "He needs a liver transplant.
"I’m sorry," said Mickey. "Well, I hope everything works out okay."
"Thanks," said Kate. "So, how were you injured...if you don’t mind my asking?"
"Car accident," said Mickey. "Drunk driver. Been seven years, now. Things’ve been pretty rough for me ever since."
"I’ll bet, " replied Kate. "Well, I’m really sorry that happened to you."
Mickey nodded. "Thanks. Definitely not the wildcat I was."
Kate laughed slightly. "You don’t sound like you’re from around here," she said.
"No. Kansas, originally. You?"
"Philadelphia—up until just a couple months ago, actually. I moved out here with my mom when my uncle got sick.
"Well…now there’s a coincidence.," Mickey began. "I came out here with my ma, too."
Just then they heard a voice from the hospital corridor. "Kate!"
Kate looked up and waved. A lovely young blond, maybe mid-twenties, was standing there.
"Paige, hi", Kate answered. She hesitated, remembering that Mickey was still there. "Uh, Paige, this is...Mickey. Mickey, this is Paige"
"Nice to meet you, " said Mickey.
'Hello," Paige answered somewhat guardedly.
It looked as though Paige and Kate had something personal 5o discusss. Sensing his cue, Mickey got up. "Well," if you two lovely young ladies will excuse me." He reached for his crutches. "It was nice talking to you, Kate."
"Yeah," Kate answered a bit shyly, "it was nice talking to you too."
Mickey headed out toward the main entrance.
"Friend?" Paige asked Kate, after Mickey had left.
"Not really," Kate answered. "I just met him out in the parking lot.

Early-evening sunshine shined through windows of the bar and grill. Mickey was seated at the bar, flirting with a young lady dressed in tight jeans.
"Kansas?" the girl asked with curiousity.
"Yeah, this small town called Emporia. You've probably never heard of it."
"No," the girl laughed.
"Well it is a sort of hick town..." Mickey began, but just then he was distracted by a song coming from the jukebox:
And I swear I see a little bit of every girl I've ever known
in the loneliness of Lucy's eyes.
For a moment, Mickey was quiet, off in his own world...

Later that evening, Mickey sat in his bedroom holding a piece of paper. Written on it was a phone number which Frank Williams had given him. Above the number was written, ‘Gary Ewing’. Lying next to the phone on table was his wallet, open to a photo of a young who looked to be about twenty. She had long blond hair and sparkling blue eyes. Slowly, Mickey dialed the number. After about the third ring a man answered, Mickey could hear children’s voices in the background.
“Hi, could I speak to Gary Ewing?” Mickey began.
“This is Gary,” said the man, not trying very hard to hide his impatience. “Bobby,” he shouted to someone in the background , “not in the house. Take the ball outside.”
“Are you there, Mr. Ewing?” asked Mickey.
“Yeah, I’m here,” answered Gary. “Sorry”
“No problem,” said Mickey. “Anyway, the reason I’m calling is…Mr. Ewing…you don’t know me…” Mickey began stammering, “but I know who you are. I’d really like to talk to you if you can spare a little time.”
“Okay, talk,” answered Gary. He didn’t always come across as friendly.
“In person,” said Mickey.
Gary looked a bit puzzled. "I didn't , um...catch your name," he said .
"Oh yeah...It's Mickey. Mickey Trotter."
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Karin Schill

Nice update. Although I must say I am not that fond of the character of Kate from Knots Landing. But I'll look forward to when Mickey meet up with Gary and Val. :)
Or maybe just Gary.

Then as for Mickey and Lucy, maybe he set her free because he didn't want to be a burden to her, or maybe she chickened out and just couldn't deal. I don't know. It's your story and since you've brought Mickey back you'll have to come up with a reason why he's not together with Lucy...

Anyway I look forward to find out what happens next. :)


Telly Talk Member
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Boulder, Colorado, USA
My only problem with Kate was that Galina had played Mary Francis the season before rather than the original actress, and we were expected to believe there would be identical cousins.

Regarding Mickey & Lucy, I guess it depends on how much I want to rewrite. I think if they hadn't planned to kill Mickey off he wouldn't have been in the accident to begin with; hard to say...

Chapter 3

Driving his pickup truck with these special handicap controls was kind of a hassle, but Mickey was interested to see what Westfork Ranch looked like. Certainly nothing like Southfork, he thought as he drove down the winding road. That must be Gary now, standing out in front of the white-pillared house, wearing a tan leather jacket and blue jeans. Gary looked younger than Mickey'd envisioned – certainly no more than mid-forties. But then Mickey remembered Lucy telling him her parents were only teenagers when they had her.
Two small children were playing in the yard nearby as Mickey got out of the truck: a boy and a girl. The boy was climbing an enormous live-oak. Mickey hoped the boy wouldn't fall - he knew all too well the consequences if the boy landed the wrong way.
Gary stood at the gate with a somewhat guarded expression, but when he saw Mickey and sized him up, his face softened a bit.
“Mickey?” he asked as Mickey approached.
"Yessir," answered Mickey. "Mickey Trotter."
"Gary Ewing."
Mickey put all his weight on one crutch, reached out, and shook Gary's hand. "Glad you got a chance to talk to Frank."
“Yeah...well, I was curious," said Gary. "So what can I do for you?”
“Well, sir,” said Mickey. “It’s like this... I’m a friend of your daughter, or used to be.”
Gary said nothing; he just stood there looking a bit puzzled.
“Lucy,” Mickey said after a moment. “You are her daddy, right?”
Gary seemed to come out of a brief trance. “Oh, yeah," he said. "Right.”
“I hope you didn’t think I meant your younger daughter,” laughed Mickey nervously.
Gary laughed. "No," he answered. "I just haven't heard Lucy's name for a while."
“Well, anyway,” said Mickey, “I called your folks' place in Texas but they told me doesn't live there anymore. Is she here?” Mickey looked hopeful.
Gary sighed and looked down at his boots. His expression was hard for Mickey to read. Was Gary was feeling: guilt, regret, resentment? “No, she’s not here,” answered Gary at length. "We haven’t really kept in touch. She’s somewhere in Europe now, I think. It's been about a year since we spoke. "
“How was she, last time you spoke ?” asked Mickey
“Well, let me see,” began Gary, “she remarried Mitch Cooper, of course.” When Gary saw the look of disappointment in Mickey’s eyes, he quickly added, "But they split up again. I guess good marriages just don’t run in my family." He shook his head and laughed cynically. “But who am I to judge? " he continued. "I walked out on Valene when Lucy was just a baby.”
“So, did you and Mrs. Ewing go to their second wedding?” Mickey asked, shifting the subject slightly.
“No,” answered Gary, again with a slight look of guilt. “Of course, we received only wedding announcements. I think it was a spur of the moment thing, so Lucy probably figured we couldn't make it. Besides, Val was right in the middle of all that mess with the twins .” Gary had been half-talking to himself, but looking up at Mickey, he clarified. "See, right after the twins were born..."
"Yeah, I heard about that," said Mickey. "My ma read to me from the newspaper when I was in the hospital. She also bought that book of Mrs. Ewing's, um..." he snapped his fingers, trying to think of the title.
"Nashville Junction?"
"Yeah, that's it."
"Oh, and Valene and I aren't, uh, married anymore," Gary added.
Just then, the boy jumped down from a lower branch and ran over to where Gary was standing.
“What happened to you?” he asked Mickey, noticing Mickey was on crutches.
“Bobby...” Gary said, turning to the boy. Turning back to Mickey, he said, “Sorry.
"It's ok” said Mickey, seeming to see something familiar about the boy. “I was in a car accident, champ," he told Bobby.
"Oh," Bobby replied.
"Come to think of it," Gary said, "I don't think I heard about the accident."
"Well, it's a long story. Drunk driver. I jumped in the car and tried to stop them"
"Was the driver anyone I know?" GAry asked.
Mickey paused. "Mrs. Ewing - Sue Ellen, that is; your brother's wife."
"Why doesn't that surprise me," Gary muttered.
"So anyway, Mr. Ewing...." Mickey continued.
“Gary, do you have a phone number for Lucy? Or even just an address I can write her at?”
“No,” answered Gary, clearly not proud to admit it, “but tell you what I’ll do. My mama called me from Japan, or someplace like that, the other day. Seems my whole family’s got a case of wanderlust these days. I’ll bet she has Lucy’s number. She and Lucy are pretty close. I’ll ask her the next time I talk to her.”
“Thank you, sir, that’d be great” said Mickey.
Gary laughed. “Please don’t call me ‘sir’. It makes me feel old. Call me Gary”
“Oh, well then thanks, Gary,” said Mickey. “So do you know when you'll get a chance to talk to her?”
“If I don’t hear from her in the next week or so I’ll try to find out where she's staying."
“Well...I won’t take up any more of your time," said Mickey. "Thanks again.” There was another awkward silence, then Mickey turned and walked back toward his pickup. Gary watched him for a moment, still looking a bit reflective, then turned to go back to the house.
As Mickey was getting back into his truck, he saw Bobby still standing there, watching him with interest. He winked at Bobby.

Driving home in his pickup, Mickey absentmindedly, he flipped on the radio. As fate would have it, the song that was playing eerily reflected how he was feeling. He listened to the words.
The lonesome Texas sun was setting slow…
Mickey’s mind drifted back to memories of Southfork - all those times he'd tried to get Lucy's attention without success until that one night he got into a brawl at a bar. These memories made him a bit sad. He tried to push them out of his mind. The song was nearing its end.
Did I wait too long, or can I make it right?
The bluest eyes in Texas are haunting me tonight.

And that’s exactly what Mickey was wondering. Had too much time passed, or could he still make things right between him & Lucy?

To be continued…
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Karin Schill

Great update. I really enjoyed Mickey's meeting with Gary and the twins. :)
Yeah I guess Lucy would be divorced from Mitch and living in Europe around this time.

I am having a little harder to remember the details of Knots Landing, as I am currently on season four in my re-watch. So I was wondering when was it that Gary found out that he was the twin's father and which year did he and Val get remarried on the show?


Telly Talk Member
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Boulder, Colorado, USA
Gary found out he was the twins' father in season 7, and he & Val got remarried in season 12.

Having writers' block - I do know that around the time my story takes place, Lucy had just gone to Rome to run an art gallery for Alex Barton. Coincidentally, at this same time on KL, Anne Matheson (Mack's ex and Paige's mother) hooked up with a con artist named Nick who was sent from Rome by a former lover of Anne's (Marco Conte) to be her bodyguard, and she and Nick try a lot of get-rich-quick scams. They even steal some art from Greg Sumner's private collection, as Nick was familiar with the security system, having installed one for Conte in Rome. Maybe I could tie these two plots together in a story that would somehow bring lucy to LA.

Any ideas?
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Karin Schill

Thanks for explaining. Since I am re-watching Knots for the first time in years my memory is a bit hazy when it comes to the later seasons and what happened after Val got her babies back.

Yeah it sounds like a plan to tie the plots together. Also since Lucy's gallery business in Rome was only refered to on Dallas but never actually seen you should have a lot of freedom to develop it any way you'd like without contradicting anything that's already been established. :)

But then again I guess it's only Dallas season 1-6 (DVD) and the beginning of season 7 that matters to your story as Mickey never died and hence everything that happened after that on Dallas can be considered an Alternative Universe anyway...


Telly Talk Member
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Boulder, Colorado, USA
Well that's sorta the problem; I'm stuck as to how to tie the two together. Didn't Lucy sorta have a thing for Alex? Maybe a Mickey/Lucy/Alex triangle word work. But any more specific suggestions appreciated.

Karin Schill

Alex was described as Lucy's friend on the show. He was hanging around with Cally and seemed to be in love with her. But I always got the impression that Lucy liked him as more than a friend. So I could picture the two of them together and hence I think the idea of a Mickey/Lucy/Alex triangle could work. :)

I guess what you really need to figure out is:
1) Why did Lucy & Mickey break up?
2) Does she know he is still alive or did she believe he died?
3) What brings Lucy to Knots Landing?

I think if you can figure those questions out the story will be easier to write.

Then as for three I think your idea of the gallery and how to tie it into Knots that you mentioned in a previous post is a good idea. So I'd say go with that one...
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Mickey did choose to get in the car with my Sue Ellen... nice to meet you.., but I can't have Sue Ellen blamed for something that was outside of her control... Mickey was an adult and made a choice...

Karin Schill

I think it was Lucy who told Mickey to stop Sue Ellen from driving because SE was drunk. So Mickey got into the car with Sue Ellen and tried to get her to pull over but she wouldn't stop and then Walt Driscoll rammed them off the road when they drove out of Southfork. I think he did it deliberately to get back at JR so it wasn't really an accident...

For the record I like how you mentioned the accident and how it was caused by Sue Ellen Ewing. It might not be entirely true but this is about how Mickey perceive what happened, not what actually did happen. So I'd say it's fine the way it is now. :)
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Telly Talk Member
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Boulder, Colorado, USA
Well, it's stated in my story that technically, Sue Ellen wasn't at fault. Still, I don't know that I'd say she was blameless or had no control over the situation. She had the choice not to drive drunk, and even if Driscoll hadn't rammed into them she would've likely killed herself or someone else.

But I can't help but wonder if Mickey's injuries being the main reason he & Lucy broke up might've left viewers constantly expecting him to return after a few episodes. Maybe a better reason would be that after he'd partially recovered, police from Kansas came looking for him in connection with an auto theft or something, and he didn't want to involve Lucy so he skipped town.

I actually think only keeping Mickey on 'Dallas' for a short while might've been a good gimmick because it could've given fans something to hope for; I just wish they hadn't killed him off.

Karin Schill

I agree that they should have kept Mickey on the show longer. It would have been nice to see him and Lucy actually get married.

But I think the reason they killed him off was to do the storyline with Ray where he was put on trial for murder. It was an interesting storyline so I can see why they wanted to do that. Although the potential that Mickey had as a character was completely wasted. :(
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Ireland (North)
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Yes I know it was Lucy, I was around when it first aired and of course I know the story given Sue Ellen is at the centre of it.

I don’t think Sue Ellen is blameless but I don’t agree she’s responsible for Mickeys death. Nothing to do with your story though - I was just sounding off because I hate how some people blame her for his death. Nice to see a different story here :)


Telly Talk Member
Reaction score
Boulder, Colorado, USA
Despite continued writer's block, I went ahead with the next chaper:

Anne Matheson sat at the diner counter with her business associate - and lately, romantic partner—Nick Shillace. Her former lover in Rome, Marco Conte, had sent Nick to Knots Landing to act as a liaison between Anne and her blackmailers - not so much out of concern for Anne, but out of fear that evidence of his affair with her might be made public.

Anne and Nick quickly “clicked” however, when it became clear how much they had in common. Neither were particularly scrupulous, and both felt that money was the secret to success and happiness. Their latest get-rich scheme had been an utter failure, though – trying to get lay claim to her father’s estate, which he had willed to Anne’s daughter Paige, not Anne. But the plan had backfired, and to make things worse, Gregory Sumner’s sister Claudia had just managed to blackmail them.

“I could strangle Claudia,” Anne muttered.
Nick wasn’t really listening. He was carrying on his own monologue. “You know, with all his money, Mr. Conte could not possibly miss a few hundred-thousand dollars. Besides, he has insurance.”
Anne continued her rant. “That woman is so dishonest—that phony little smile. No wonder Greg hates her.”
“There must be a way to get a hold of that money,” Nick continued, still oblivious.
“Nick, you are not listening to me!” Anne chided.
Roused from his reverie, Nick looked at Anne questioningly.
“We’re not getting a penny from my father’s estate,” Anne said.
“Then we’ll have to steal some,” Nick replied.
“I just remembered that Mr. Conte went into business with a gentleman in Rome who ones an art gallery. His name is Alex Barton. Mr. Conte now owns twenty per cent of the gallery. ”
“Perhaps I’ll just have to steal a few paintings. That would make us rich.”
“Oh, please, Nick,” Anne said skeptically. “Can you imagine how sophisticated his security system must be?”
“I don’t have to imagine,” Nick replied. “I helped to install it.”
"Really?” asked Anne, intrigued now.
“I met the director of the gallery - a lovely young lady named Lucy Ewing. I may just need to go back to Rome and put on my best charm. And while she’s distracted, a couple friends of mine can…transport the merchandise.
“Ewing?” Anne asked, even more intrigued. “I wonder if she’s any relation to Gary Ewing.”
“Who?” Nick asked.
“A friend of Mack and Karen’s,” said Anne. “And he’s very rich.” She didn’t relish the idea of trying to get any information from Mack or Karen Mackenzie. She was, after all, Mack’s former love, which didn’t make her high on Karen's list. But Anne and Mack shared a daughter, and whatever differences they might have, Paige would always be a common bond. “I think I’ll ask Paige if she knows anything about Lucy.”
“You know,” said Nick, ‘that gives me an idea. Instead of going all the way to Rome, I could suggest to Lucy that they open a gallery here. Perhaps she would like to be near family. I’m sure she could convince Mr. Barton that it would be a wonderful business opportunity.”
Following Nick’s train of thought, Anne smiled mischievously. Looking a bit more encouraged, she took a bite of her burger.


Rome, Italy - Evening

Lucy Ewing stood on the veranda outside the gallery, having finished the last showing of the day. She looked out on the street, seeming lost in thought. A moment later Alex Barton approached her from behind.

“If we continue doing business like this,” he said. “I may be able to open another gallery. I have been giving it some thought."
Lucy smiled. “Well,” she said. “How about Paris...or London? That's definitely where the elite are. I’m sure we’d do a booming business.”
“Actually,” said Alex, “I just spoke with an acquaintance of mine in Los Angeles - a Mr. Nick Shillace . He suggested we open a gallery there.”
Lucy’s smile faded slightly. “Mmm..no,” she said. “If we want another gallery in the U.S., I think New York would be better. Some of the best buyers would be there.”
Alex looked puzzled. “Do you have something against Los Angeles?”
“No,” replied Lucy. “It’s just a big city though. Not really any culture. But it’s your decision. I just run the place.” She seemed eager to change the subject.

Alex placed his hand upon Lucy’s shoulder, but she tensed. “Alex,” she said, “we’ve talked about this."
“I still don’t understand, Lucy,” Alex replied with frustration. “I thought our relationship was developing into something more than friendship."
Lucy turned to look at him. “You know I care about you, Alex. I just feel funny, knowing how Callie feels about you."
“Callie is married to your uncle,” Alex said with puzzlement.
“Yeah, well…” Lucy replied, “I’m not sure how long that’s gonna last. Uncle J.R. isn’t exactly famous for his fidelity.”
“You don’t like your uncle, do you?” Alex asked.
“Well, he’s managed to run so many people off,” Lucy replied, "some who were special to me." She looked back out onto the street, her mind seeming to drift off. “He even managed to keep my mama away. But finally, she’d had enough and came back to see me. He tried to buy her off, as usual, but she stood up to him this time.”

Flashback: Dallas, 1979 – a cheap motel room

“It won’t work anymore, J.R.,” Valene said, determination in her voice. “I have run from you for the last time. I’ve got nothin’ left to lose…except Lucy, and I’m not gonna lose her again!”
J.R. was undaunted. “You’ve already lost her,” he said. “You just don’t know it.”
“I don’t think so, J.R.,” came Bobby’s voice suddenly from the doorway.
J.R. and Valene turned in surprise to see Bobby standing there. Beside him stood Lucy, a light in her eyes that hadn’t been there for a long time…

Fade back to present

“I’m not surprised he tried to buy Valene off,” said Alex bitterly. “He did everything in his power to make sure I left Dallas for good, even though I assured him there was nothing going on between me and Callie.”
“That’s J.R.,” said Lucy bitterly. “He always has to have things his way, and if you happen to get on his bad side, well that’s just too bad.”
“Well…anyway,” said Alex after a moment. “I am not interested in going back to Dallas. I wish you’d change your mind about Los Angeles. The idea intrigues me. If I decide to go ahead with this, I could use someone with your expertise.”
Lucy said nothing. She just continued to gaze out over the city, leaving Alex to wonder what she could be thinking…
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Karin Schill

Yay! Lucy finally appeared in your story. :)
I can't wait to find out what's gonna happen when she moves back to Los Angeles...

How long will it take before she runs into Mickey?
How will her parents and siblings react to her moving there?

I don't remember much about Nick and Anne since it's been more than 7 years since I watched the later seasons of the show. So I don't remember them well. But from what I do remember I am not surprise that they are up to no good!