The Ewing’s


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Jan 2012
The Ewing’s or Dallas 3.0

Takes place in the near furniture with little explanation of time between Dallas airs and all seen is cannon. South Fork as a house is primary location with the original layout.


John Ross Ewing (mid - late 40s): retired, uses Jock’s study to conduct business with his lieutenants, non executive Chairman of Ewing Enterprises, sole Trustee of the Ewing Family Foundation Trust, based on a younger, more romantic Jock

Pamela Rebecca (Barnes) Ewing (early - mid 40s): retired, uses Miss Ellie living room to conduct business with her lieutenants and friends, non executive Chairman of The Ewing Family Foundation, member Daughters of the Alamo, based on a younger, mentally ill (explains the out come of Rebecca and her children as well) Miss Ellie

John “Jay” Ross Ewing (mid 20s, half Hispanic): John Ross and Pamela’s son (adopted by Pamela after reveled to exist following TNT), MBA from Chicago put in charge of Ewing Alternative Energy, a small start up with a big battery patten. Based on a young, bisexual Gary

Eleanor “Ellie” Patricia Ewing (late teens, early 20s, half Hispanic): John Ross and Pamela’s daughter (adopted by Pamela after reveled to exist following TNT), drops out of college, Barnard, to return to Dallas. Based on a young, snobbier JR

Steven Clayton Ewing: (mid-late teens, half Hispanic): John Ross and Pamela’s son, Elena’s biological son (adopted by Pamela after reveled to exist, Elena Ramos is his biological mother), attends the private Carrington Academy, very popular and athletic. Based on a young, self absorbed Bobby

others to follow . . .

The sun comes up over South Fork, Pamela has breakfast with Ellie and Steven by the pool as John Ross walks out of the study with Jay and his lieutenants, seeing them off to their cars while walking with his son to the table where a servant pours him a cup of coffee. “So it’s official, Jay is taking over running Ewing Alternative and his first assignment is to establish a secure source of Beryium.”

Ellie says, “I still don’t understand why. Daddy has plenty of people to handle such things. If this family hasn’t done anything, it’s at least been clear thar business is a dirty job.”

Jay says, “Well Ellie we can’t all sit around and look pretty all day.”

“And why not? We do it so well. Look at Steven. He’s playing football, though he’s more serious about his studies, being born smart doesn’t mean much unless you learn the things you need to learn, but he’s not planning to toil away his life in mud. Are you Steven?”

“Oh God no. Sounds miserable to me.”

“Some one’s got to take responsibility.”

“I’m not disagreeing with that, just don’t get muddy. You’re meeting with Philip Rosemont soon.”

“Yes. Dad set up the meeting, in New York.”

“His granddaughter and I went to Barnard together. Well, she’s still there.”

Pamela says, “And so should you.”

“I will. I will. In fact I was going to go with Jay. I know the Rosemont’s well.”

“This isn’t a social call. He’s the CEO of WhiteRock.”

Ellie chuckles, “Everything’s social Jay. He’s not meeting with you because you have a good idea. He’s meeting with you because he and daddy go way back to when he taught social studies at Hopkins. Just like Senator Brown will meet with you, because she and our grandpa went way back, back to her father’s association with Brown Harrison. I assume you’ll meet with them as well.”

“If you know so much, why aren’t you joining me in the fbusiness?”

“Oh I don’t mind socializing but I’m not getting a job. And neither is Steven.”

“Don’t drag me into this.”

“You’ll figure it out soon enough. In the mean time, I’ve got your back. We’re Ewing’s, and we stick together. That's what makes us unbeatable.”

Dallas theme song strikes up . . .


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Jan 2012
I’m the Cattleman’s club an older man, mid fifties, holds out his hand and shakes the hand of a younger man, mid thirties. “Mr. Barnes. Nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you too, Mr. Wendell.”

“Paul please, call me Paul. Please join me. Get you a drink?”

“Gin and tonic. And, please call me Owen.”

Paul motions the server away for the order. The two men sit. “Congratulations on you’re new job in the prosecutors office.”

“Thank you,” Owen says. “I haven’t even settled in. But, why does my job for the U.S. Attorney General’s office interest the Chairmsn and CEO of the Diehl Motor Company?”

“More an interest in you, the son of Cliff Barnes, himself a noted lawyer with a track record of going after corporate corruption, especially that of the Ewing family.”

“You’re concerned about something to do with the Ewing’s?”

“You’re investigating them.”

“Not officially. My sister’s married to John Ross Ewing.”

“But you’re as interested as I am. Your father spent his life fighting that family. So did mine.”

“Until he went to prison.”

“We share that in common. The Ewing’s bankrupted everything your grandmother left. And now Wentworth Tool and Die and Barnes Global Media are parts of his company. Of course he bankrupted his uncle and his own mother in the process. And your sister, with the drugs he has her on, is she even willingly staying with him?”

“You know a lot about my family.”

“I know what ever was left he gave away.”

“My sister gave away what was left of our grandmother’s money, the Rebecca Wentworth Memorial Hospital, a wing of the art museum. That sort of thing.”

“And you don’t think that had anything to do with her husband? Ewing Oil ended up your cousin’s methane extraction process, and what did he get for it? He ran off to marry the love of his life, nearly gets killed in an explosion, turns out his fiancé is pregnant with John Ross’s child and your sister is raising his bastards.”

“I’m not a fan of my brother-in-law. And I have no doubt that he’s totally corrupt. But I’m pretty sure you didn’t get where you’re at without some corruption of your own. What do the Ewing’s have that you want?”

Paul smiles and sits back in his seat. “Did you help your father set up Elena Ramos? We both know JR was capable of doing what he said he did, destroy her father, except he didn’t. Of course he was only reacting to Bobby Ewing setting him up, putting him in prison.”

“That mess nearly killed my sister. It did kill her children. Nearly killed Christopher. Took him years to walk again. And Elena Ramos ended up in prison for helping launder money for the Mendez-Ochoa drug cartel.”

“John Ross Ewing framed her so he found get her out of the way and take her child. Just like he set up Prince Nasir, for having an affair with your sister, sending him home where they executed him.”

“Homosexuality is a crime in his country. You know way too much about my family. Do you also know he pays for the home where my Aunt Pam lives. And he takes care of my Aunt Kathryn. And my father died in an ocean front mental institution in Mexico that John Ross arranged.”

“So you’re grateful for how John Ross has taken care of your family and your sister. Maybe he’s even helped you, helped you enough to get you your current job. Senator Brown is a very good friend of his.”

“Well I’m not. I’m not a friend of John Ross Ewing or any of the Ewing’s, or of J. Paul Wendell.”

“You might want to reconsider my offer of friendship.”



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Jan 2012
In the Cattleman’s club an older man, mid fifties, holds out his hand and shakes the hand of a younger man, mid thirties. “Mr. Barnes. Nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you too, Mr. Wendell.”

“Paul please, call me Paul. And please, Mr. Barnes, join me. Get you a drink?”

“Gin and tonic. And, please call me Owen.”

Paul motions the server away for the order. The two men sit. “Congratulations on you’re new job in the prosecutors office.”

“Thank you,” Owen says. “I haven’t even settled in. But, why exactly does my job for the U.S. Attorney General’s office interest the Chairman and CEO of the Diehl Motor Company?”

“Direct. I like it. More an interest in you, the son of Cliff Barnes, himself a noted lawyer with a track record of going after corporate corruption, especially that of the Ewing family.”

“You’re concern is about the Ewing’s?”

“You’re investigating them.”

“Not officially. My sister’s married to John Ross Ewing.”

“But you’re as interested as I am. Your father spent his life fighting that family. So did mine.”

“Until he went to prison.”

“We share that in common, Owen. John Ross Ewing took everything your grandmother left, and now Wentworth Tool and Die and Barnes Global Media are just parts of his company. Of course he did bankrupt his uncle and his own mother in the process.”

“They have no problem turning on each other. JR had three sons, yet only John Ross and his brother Bo share in the company. And all the cousins were cut out.”

“And your sister?”

“What about my sister?”

“The drugs he has her on, is she even willingly staying with him?”

“You know a lot about my family.”

“I know what ever was left by Rebecca Wentworth, John Ross gave away.”

“My sister gave away what was left of our grandmother’s money, the Rebecca Wentworth Memorial Hospital, a wing of the art museum. That sort of thing. That’s what she does. She heads up the Ewing Family Foundation. Belongs to the Daughters of the Alamo. She’s even helped Carlos DelSol give away billions.”

“And you don’t think that her husband had anything to do with hitting rid of every last dime of Cliff Barnes’s money? Ewing Oil also ended up with your cousin’s methane extraction process, and what did he get for it? He ran off to marry the love of his life, is nearly killed in an explosion, and it turns out his fiancé is pregnant and with John Ross’s child. Your sister is raising his bastards.”

“I’m not a fan of my brother-in-law. And I have no doubt that he’s totally corrupt. But I’m pretty sure you didn’t get where you’re at without some corruption of your own. What do the Ewing’s have that you want?”

Paul smiles and sits back in his seat. “Did you help your father set up Elena Ramos? We both know JR was capable of doing what Cliff Barnes said he did, destroy her father, except he didn’t. Of course he was only reacting to Bobby Ewing setting him up, putting him in prison.”

“That mess nearly killed my sister. It did kill her children. Then Elena nearly got Christopher killed. Took him years to walk again. Elena Ramos ended up in prison for helping launder money for the Mendez-Ochoa drug cartel.”

“John Ross Ewing framed her, found away to get her out of the way and take her child. Just like he set up Prince Nasir, for having an affair with your sister, sending him home where they executed him.”

“Homosexuality is a crime in his country. You know way too much about my family. Do you also know John Ross pays for the homes where my Aunt Pam and Aunt Kathryn live. He found them both. Takes care of them both. And my father died in an ocean front mental institution in Mexico, a cushy place that John Ross paid for.”

“So you’re grateful for how John Ross has taken care of your family and your sister. Maybe he’s even helped you, helped you enough to get you your current job. Senator Brown is a very good friend of his. And before that you worked for White Water in corporate law. That company is run by Philip Rosemont, another very good friend. How great to are you?”

“I’m not. I’m not a friend of John Ross Ewing or any of the Ewing’s, or of J. Paul Wendell, or any of the Wendell’s.”



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Member Since
Jan 2012
Sorry about the double post. I didn’t realize I posted the above before I edited it.


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Jan 2012
Lucy Ewing walks into the front of South Fork followed by several men carrying luggage, directing them upstairs, all but one she directed into the living room.

Pamela walks out of the living room saying, "Lucy. What a pleasant surprise. Joining us for dinner?"

"Six sharp."

Ellie come bounding down the stairs, "Lucy!" in a sun dress which barely covers her bottom and bare feet, jumping into her arms, they hug each other. "What'd you bring me?"

"Why would I bring you anything?"

'"You always do."

"Well you're suppose to be in school. Imagine my surprise when I got to New York and you weren't at Banard."

"Well, I don't know, there's so much here to do."

"No there isn't," Lucy looks at her with distain. "And Jay is working for the company. How is he."

"We'll you know, rich folks is always happy."

"I didn't tell you that to be more like your grandfather."

Pamela says, "Ellie did attend the DOA meeting this afternoon. And of course everyone asked about you."

"Well doesn't that just tickle me pink," Lucy chuckles with sarcasm walking into the living room. "So why is Jay working for the company? We've had that talk since he was a baby, nothing good every comes of it."

"That's what I said," Ellie added.

Pamela says, "It wasn't my idea. Or John Ross's. Something he wanted to do. He did an internship with Branch Water a few years ago and I thought that was that."

"Branch Water? That's the paramilitary company John Ross put together after the whole drug cartel thing?"

"Yes. I think he'll eventually change his mind when he's punching in every day."

"Who's punching in every day?" John Ross says walking into the room, all covered in shoot from a fire, in tight jeans and a flannel shirt, Steven the same, standing next to him.

"Steven!" Pamela goes up to her son and rubs the ash from his face. What happened to you? John Ross, what happened?"

"Controlled burn over on the Wade property."

"You had my son out fighting a fire?"

"You say that like I could have stopped him."

"Momma, it never got out of control."

"Yeah like that fire last year put you in the hospital."

"This was different. It was a controlled burn to prevent something like that this year."

"I don't want you doin' stuff like fighting fires. There are plenty of people around here that can do something like that."

"What, have hired hands do something we're not willing to do ourselves?"

John Ross says, "I'm gonna go up and change." He kisses Pamela's cheek "Love ya sweetheart."

Lucy watched the exchange. As John Ross and Steven leave the room she says, "I heard that Jay's been seeing Amy Anderson."

"What? Oh. Yeah. They've attend a few social functions together. Stirs up a lot of talk among the old people around here, the great granddaughter of Punk and Mavis Anderson dating the great grandson of Jock and Ellie Ewing."

Ellie smiles, "Amy's a big corporate lawyer. She use to work as a federal prosecutor. Put Jesse Stone in prison for like ten years. Ripped apart Cattleman's Bank. Ewing Enterprises bought the pieces and created CMBC, so now we've got our own bank."

Lucy smiles, "Sounds like keeping up with the family business."

"Keeping up is different than working for it. You won't catch me doing that. Remember."

Lucy says to Pamela, "Back before John Ross wised up and married you and I was raising the kids in New York, I was perfectly clear, the last thing Jay and Ellie should do is work for the family business. Caused nothing but problems for this family." She then looks Ellie straight in the eye, "Ewing's don't fight Ewing's."

Ellie says, "You don't have to worry about me. If Jay wants to run Ewing Enterprises I'm not gonna fight him for it."

"Good thing."

"Like I told Uncle Bobby, we don't fight. He was going on about how he and grandpa use to fight all the time, blaming my grandpa. I told him Jay and I aren't like that. I'd burn this house down if that's what makes Jay happy. And, if he wants to screw every woman in Texas, I'll line 'em up for STD testing. I don't give a damn what he wants, I've got his back."

Lucy looks on reflective, silent, "But what if what he wants hurts himself and hurts others?"

"You don't need to worry about Jay. He's not interested in running anything. There's something dad needs him to take care of. That's all it is."

Karin Schill

Nice to see Lucy show up. It seems like almost all of your stories include the same younger generation characters. I guess it makes it easier to get into them since the concept is almost always the same. Yet I would love to see you finish one of your stories some day instead of leaving pretty much all of them half-done!


Telly Talk Star
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Member Since
Jan 2012
Nice to see Lucy show up. It seems like almost all of your stories include the same younger generation characters. I guess it makes it easier to get into them since the concept is almost always the same. Yet I would love to see you finish one of your stories some day instead of leaving pretty much all of them half-done!
Thank you. I guess it’s I never feel they end just like I never felt the series had ended. Yes I do focus on the next generation, leaving the original characters to rest in retirement, after a long and arduous life. The next generation is what they created and left behind. As always, thank you for reading.


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Member Since
Jan 2012
Owen walks into his apartment and is startled by John Ross sitting in the dark. “What the hell!”

John Ross says, “You meet with Wendell.”

“What are you spying on me?”

“I heard every word. There’s a line between Pamela better off with you here or gone. You’re getting damn close to it.”

“You think you can just come in my home and scare me?”

“No I don’t. You’re not that smart. But you’d better learn real quick how much Pamela means to me. There are bodies littered all over of idiots who came between us. Literally.”

“Get out!”

“Make me.”

“You’re seriously screwed in the head.”

“You want money, I’ll get you what Wendell’s offering.” John Ross stands and walks passed him and out.